Devin Westley

08 Sep 2021
Name Devin Westley
Title Nursery Manager
Nursery Southern Woods Nursery
Quote “It is such a rewarding job working with plants. You get to see the results of your work as they grow, and it is satisfying knowing that my work has such a positive impact on the restoration and enhancement of native areas.”
Education Diploma in Horticulture, Diploma in Horticultural Management Lincoln University. NZPPI young Achiever 2018. 
Long-term Goal Since I started in the role, I have been focused on the change to an automated production system. I want to see my project completed and the impacts this has on output, quality, and on the reduction in waste plastics. From this experience, I would like to see how this line of thinking can be applied further in our systems as we keep improving. 
How did you learn about the industry? Before Horticulture, I was partway through BSC in Biology and Ecology at UC. I was struggling to envision what sort of career path I would get out of this sort of study. I realized that out of all the things I had done I really loved working with plants, so I did a bit of research, decided to move to Lincoln Uni, got a job at Southern woods as part of the work experience of the course, and haven't looked back. 





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